Kunstner Gudrun Hasle har i samarbejde med Nuuk Kunstmuseum inviteret en række kunstnere fra forskellige lande til at skabe et flag til flagstangen ved Holms Hus midt i Nuuk.
Der er nationale flag, fodboldflag, signalflag, bedeflag og mange flere. Et flag har mange betydninger – der er flagdage, officielle flagninger og flag til fest eller hverdag. Når man flager markeres noget, eller der kommunikeres på afstand. Et flag kan være en identitet og et tilhørsforhold.
Første kunstner i rækken er Miki Jacobsen (f. 1965). Hans flag er en blanding af det grønlandske og det canadiske flag. Miki Jacobsen er uddannet som kunstner i Canada, men bor i dag i Nuuk. Han har en søn i Canada, som flaget er tilegnet, og på den måde markere en blanding af de to kulturer.
Holms Hus er fra 1920 og et af de første selvbyggerhuse og grønlandsk ejede hjem i Nuuk. I dag står det ubeboet hen og er siden 2011 ejet af kommunen. Huset ligger på Aqqaluks Plads med udsyn til Selvstyret, Hans Egede statuen og Nuuks gamle bydel Nuutoqaq/Kolonihavnen. Pladsen er opkaldt efter Lars Møller ”Aqqaluk” (1842-1926), som var bogtrykker, litograf og redaktør på Grønlands første avis Atuagagdliutit.
Projektet er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.
Der er udviklet et opgaveark om flag, som skoler og institutioner kan downloades på Kulturrygsækkens hjemmeside.
FLAG DK – ERFALASOQ KAL – FLAG ENG – Ilinniartitsisumu_Til læreren
Næste flag vil blive hejst i maj måned. Hold øje med Nuuk Kunstmuseums facebookside eller hjemmeside for kunstner og tidspunkt.
Miki Jacobsens tale ved flaghejsningen:
“Inuap erfalasua” by Miki Jacobsen
Greenada, Canaland..?
First of all thank you to Gudrun Hasle and NK for this opportunity creating a flag. I never liked the idea of borders, borders dividing lands and seas. Reality is that we do have all kinds of borders, and we tend to like to put things in boxes. And sometimes it has a meaning putting things in boxes. I think in this matter a large box would do the trick, to make space for everyone. Flags are symbols for something as we all know. Here the symbolism is based on the two flags.
It is no secret we share traditions and culture with Inuit from other nations, cultural heritage, languageand traditions. But even inside Greeland we have diversity in dialects etc. Greenland and Canada has been connected many times over time. Migrations from Canada to Greenland many times. Most recent the people of Avanersuaq ( North Greenland ).
As a kid my curiosity was triggered by my dads book shelf with all the old books about the people who explored the north. Miteq and Arnarulunguaq was some of them. During my second year at the Art School here in Nuuk, I got aware of the students of Greenlands University was going to visit Nunavut ( Northern Canada) I bugged my friend Nuka who was a student at the Greenland univeristy ( Ilisimatusarfik) back then, and his teacher Professor H.C.Petersen to come along with them, and suggested that I could document for them, and at the same time visit other artists and workshops which I did. Later Canada became important to me in other ways, as I attended Art college in Halifax Canada.
In recent years artists from Canada and Greenland has collaborated in the fields of art and culture. But maybe not as much as we want today. The National theatre of Greenland has in recent years occasionally had teachers from Canada. And before that actors from Nunavut Canada and Greenland put up a theatre piece together. But other events like the AWG ( Arctic Winter Games) have helped uniting the different Inuit Nations, not only from Canada. This flag is neither Canadien or Greenlandic, or maybe it is both without being anything else but its own.
Politicians has for too long promised easier acces between our lands, and more exchange. I think artists and many others still are looking forward this to happen. Lets hope future leaders will show the way. Today Greenland and Canada is connected through new families and children. I dedicate the flag to those people, and especially to my son which is connecting the countries in blood.