PINNERSAAT is greenlandic and means ‘jewelry’, but also ‘decoration’ and ‘to beautify’. That is the title of the exhibition which opens at Nuuk Artmuseum during Nuuk Nordic Culturefestival, October 8th at 17:00.
The exhibition is a snapshot of jewelry in Greenland, with jewelry from Karen Fly, Kim Eriksen, Hanne Bruun, Kristine Spore Kreutzmann, Nicolai Appel, Nadja Kreutzmann, Aviaaja Kleist Burkal og Buuti Pedersen. The Norwegian/Sami artist Máret Ánne Sara, the icelandic artist Helga Mogensen, the greenlandic artist Jessie Kleeman, and the two canadian artists Lavinia Van Heuvelen and Caroline Blechert will each contribute with experimental work, which challenges the applicability of jewelry, and the borders between Pinnersaat and Eqqumiitsuliat. Eqqumiitsuliat is the greenlandic art-term, which directly translated means ‘to create something odd’.
It is a very high level of jewelry, in material which ranges from the more traditional metals with greenlandic gold and rubies, to raw caribou-jaws and pearls.
The exhibition can be viewed until December 2019.